A University of Arkansas professor wins a Grammy

By: Rylie Birdwell

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.— Doctor Jeffery Murdock is the winner of the 2021 Grammy Music Educator of the year. Doctor Murdock is the conductor of two university choruses, three RSO’s. He was also named “Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year” and  SOOIE’S “Advisor of the Month”.

One of his students, Nicole Dominguez, said that he has served as not just a professor, but a mentor to his students. 

“Having that one-on-one of like, I see you, I understand you, because I have been where you’ve been, and I know that you’re struggling so tell me how to help you. That is where it kind of bridged from professor to mentor.”

He has such influence that students have even followed him across the country to be under his teaching. He said that students he didn’t even know have messaged him on Facebook about how he has changed their life. 

Murdock said he just wants to be known as an advocate for students. 

“I think it’s awesome that I am being recognized for the work that I do everyday, but again I am passionate about this work. This is something I feel like I was born to do, something I was called to do. As such, I would do this with or without the recognition of the Grammy.”

Dominguez says that Professor Murdock should win the Grammy every year. 

“He deserves everything. Like throw all of the trophies at him. For him to finally get recognition on such a national level, and to be the first collegiate professor to ever win a grammy… I mean just leaps and bounds of pride.”

Doctor Murdock said he is humbled and grateful for these nominations for his hard work and dedication to making his students better musicians and better people.