Crime Prevention On Campus

By: Hailey Middleton 

FAYETTEVILLE — Ark (UATV) The University of Arkansas has reported four sexual assaults in the 2021 spring semester.


Following the recent news of the assaults on campus UAPD has reminded students of the precautions they are taking to avoid future danger to students. 


For the past 20 years Fayetteville Arkansas has reported at least double the amount of rapes than the United States city average. This news came as a shock to most students as many sexual assaults go unreported.  


The university has reported four rapes this semester alone, which all occurred within the residents halls on campus. Captain of the university Police department Gary Crain said all four victims knew their attackers. 


Crain also said how many students’ concerns are that the attacks they hear about are random and that the victim and attacker dont know one another. It is actually the opposite, the department hasn’t reported an incident where the victims have not known their attacker since 2014. 


“By doing this social interaction, and people spending time alone the police department has no way of knowing or anticipating a crime like this happening. There is a violation of trust … and that is when the department then gather all the evidence and turn it over to the prosecutor attorney’s office.” said Crain 


The pat wlaker health center has hired a R.E.S.P.E.C.T unit that consists of a group of trained consultants who work with sexual assault survivors. The consultations are free and confidential to all UARK students.


The campus also has 125 E Phones that provide a direct line to the university police department for any emergency. The E Phones are lit up to provide light to students using them at night. 


The Arkansas Student Government (ASG) has provided students with SAFE RIDE a student operated vehicle to transport residents around campus after dark. SAFE RIDE contact information can be found on the back of any University student ID. 


Crain mentioned how smoothly SAFE RIDE is operated, saying how students can really rely on this organization for a safe ride home.


Upon further investigation, the Crime Prevention Unit link is able to be found, and comes up as a 404 error for students seeking advice. When asked about the unreachable link Crain had no previous knowledge of this incident on their website, and says they will be looking into it. 


For more information regarding the crime prevention on campus, students can go to