Increase in Violent Crime in Fayetteville This Year

by David Cox

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Like many businesses and agencies in Arkansas, Sergeant Tony Murphy said the Fayetteville Police Department has had to change the way it operates due to COVID-19.

“We’re wearing masks within the walls of the police department,” Sgt. Murphy said. “We’ve learned the protocol to use if someone is COVID positive or claims to be COVID positive.”

As the Police Department has had to adapt due to the pandemic, Fayetteville has seen a rise in both property and violent crime.

According to a Fayetteville Police Department summary report, violent crime is up 27 percent, including homicides, doubling from three to six.

Property crime, like burglary and vehicle theft, has increased just over 15 percent from last year.

The same can be said for other cities as well.

According to a University of Pennsylvania website,, Fort Worth, Texas, Houston and Minneapolis have experienced periods longer than a month of above average violent crime incidents.

Sgt. Murphy says the increase in Fayetteville isn’t happening just because of the pandemic, but it is one of many different factors.

“Our officers haven’t been as proactive as they would have been in the past, stopping vehicles and apprehending criminals,” Murphy said. “It could also be because the jail’s not keeping a lot of people in jail.”

The department has also made fewer arrests overall this year.

Felony arrests are down 34 percent compared to last year. Arrests for misdemeanors are down 50 percent.

Stephane Lecointe, a Fayetteville resident, lives less than a mile from Cornerstone Pl., where a former U of A student was murdered earlier this year.

He said he feels safe living in Fayetteville, but said he always tries to stay aware of his surroundings.

“You can’t be too comfortable and careful no matter where you live,” Lecointe said. “Fayetteville, a small town or a big city, you should always have your wits about you.”

The police department uploads crime summary reports on the City of Fayetteville government website.