New Safe ZoneApp, Launched to Make Campus Safer

By: Grayce Spangler

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- With the launch of a new app SafeZone, students, faculty and staff on campus can be in direct communication with UAPD. 

SafeZone is available to the campus community to provide safety for anyone in the event that an emergency might occur. 

This app also helps UAPD work more efficiently. Captain Gary Crain of UAPD said, “The app allows a direct, one touch phone connection to UAPD. Using the app, a person can share their location with responding officers, these two features enable a faster response for officers to arrive to assist the person. The app includes a text back feature for two-way communication. The person can share more information when needed.”

Getting the app is easy. Here are three easy steps:

  1. Download the app on your phone 
  2. Login with your UARK email address
  3. Complete your profile

Capt. Crain encourages students to use the app to keep the campus safe,  “We’d like members of the campus community to use it any time there is a hint of a need. Together, we can help ensure the campus is a safe environment.”