Students React to Provost’s Tips

By: Jack Bilyeu

Fayetteville, Ark.- University of Arkansas Provost Charles Robinson emailed students this afternoon, providing tips on finishing out an unprecedented semester. While some tips are universal, like scheduling tutoring sessions or reaching out to an instructor if you are struggling, others are unique to the pandemic- like remembering to turn on your webcam during class.

“Get real, online isn’t ideal, but there have been plenty of chances to have the ‘college experience’ you wanted,” U of A student Simon Rothwell said, summing up his interpretation of the email. He said he felt that this email was direct response to calls from students to implement a pass/fail grading system, similar to the one used last semester.

“The solution isn’t using your webcam and it isn’t going pass/fail,” Rothwell said, “The solution is not being lazy just because you’re not sitting in front of your professor. I’m guilty of it too, but I’m also passing all my classes.” He took hybrid classes where possible, but has not used campus facilities regularly as Provost Robinson suggested.

“Although I understand that it may appear to be more difficult, I want to direct your attention to the fact that we continue to have co-curricular, on-campus programming regularly,” Robinson wrote, referencing activities like distinguished lectures or registered student organization meetings. Rothwell said the only time he has spent on campus this semester was either in class or studying. Despite this, he does not feel he has been robbed of the college experience.

Robinson suggested that struggling students reach out for help via this remote learning feedback form.