Third-Party Vote: The Effects on the Election

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- On this year’s Arkansas ballot there are 11 presidentail candidates that voters can choose from.

Beyond Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Arkansans can vote for candidates such as Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, American Solidarity Party Brian T. Carroll, and independent Kanye West.

The Republican and Democratic parties garner most of the media’s attention.

“I would argue that there is virtually no impact other than taking votes that could go to either the Democrat or Republican party, a lot of this is due to a winner take all ballot system.”

Student Hannah Whitworth says that at the end of the day our election system is very much in favor of the two primary parties.

“You only need 51% of the votes to win so it essentially becomes a two-party system.”

During the 2016 election Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson only recieved around 3% of the vote. Roughly around 3.5 million people voted for him accoring to

“I’m voting third-party because I felt like voting between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is like choosing the lesser of two evils.”

While some voters such as Alex Konzelman believe that voting for a third-party isn’t a waste of their vote.

“I hope people look at the other candidates’ policies and vote for which one lines up best with their beliefs.”

Earlier this year a petition was passed in the state of Arkansas to let candidates such as Kanye West on the ballot.

West received at least 1,000 valid signatures from registered voters in Arkansas to appear on the ballot.

The last president that was a part of a third-party was Andrew Johnson of the National Union party in 1865.