A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Ballot Issue Number Three

By: Heidi Kirk 

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Arkansans have the opportunity to change the state constitution through an issue on the ballot this November. 

Issue number 3 is a constitutional amendment to amend the process for the submission, challenge and approval of proposed initiated acts, constitutional amendments and referenda. 

This amendment would change Article 5, Section 1 of the Arkansas Constitution. This section is known as “Initiates and Referendum.” 

These changes would include moving up the date voter petitions are due and increasing the number of counties where voter signatures have to be collected for ballot issues that are citizen initiated. 

If the initiative is enacted, a petition must contain signatures equaling at least half of the required percentage of signatures from each of 45 counties instead of 15 counties. 

University of Arkansas Political Science Professor Andrew Dowdle said it is most crucial for those that will live in Arkansas for years to come. 

“This isn’t just a trivial thing if you are planning on living in Arkansas for any foreseeable time in the future. It may have a very big impact on measures that you’d like to see passed,” Dowdle said.

Dowdle said this could change the way that democracy in Arkansas is in  the future. 

“This could have a pretty significant impact and really change the way that direct democracy works in the state,” said Dowdle.

Dowdle said Arkansas stands out from other southern states in that our process is relatively open. Groups use this to pass important policies that the governor’s office opposes. 

If this passes it will restrict the ability of groups and individuals to use this to get these ballot initiatives passed.

The final day to vote in the general election is Nov. 3. 

Information on the other two issues on the Arkansas ballot can be found here.