How the UofA Upheld Homecoming Traditions During a Pandemic

By: Jaycie Dodd

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark – Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, The University of Arkansas found a way to celebrate the long-standing homecoming tradition. Seniors Phil Necessary and Katie Gardner were crowned the 2020 UofA Homecoming King and Queen.  

The University of Arkansas Kappa Kappa Gamma chapter nominated Phil Necessary and the Registered Student Organization, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, nominated Katie Gardner.

Campaigning this year looked very different according to Necessary. He said a lot of it was reaching out to friends in group messages.

“My campaign was completely virtual… I didn’t spend any money.” said Necessary.

Gardner said the majority of her campaign was through social media as well, however; she did get to hang a banner on her sorority house, Delta Delta Delta.

“It was really special to be able to share that with my chapter.” said Gardner.

Necessary said he and the other 13 students nominated on homecoming court got really close through the process. Gardner said the same about her experience.

“Every single girl nominated for homecoming court deserved to be up there.” said Gardner.

With no parade and a limited crowd allowed at the pep rally, Gardner said she invited three people from the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow RSO to attend the pep rally and watch her get crowned.

Both Necessary and Gardner got to invite their families to attend the pep rally as well.

The homecoming court was recognized at halftime of the University of Arkansas vs. University of Mississippi football game through a video. The video was filmed at a reception at the chancellor’s house on Wednesday.

Necessary and Gardner were crowned by Chancellor Joseph Steinmetz at the North end zone terrace.

“Without all of the big fancy decorations going on, homecoming this year was recognizing the traditions that we hold between each other.” said Gardner.

Necessary plans to pursue a master’s in business administration at the Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. Gardner said she is looking into business school within the agricultural business realm.