City Council Re-Election Sign Vandalized

By: Cayden Hartman

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Unidentified individuals vandalize another piece of property over the weekend with an anti-equality message.

Re-election campaign advertisements for city council member Kyle Smith were vandalized over the weekend with an anti-LGBTQ sentiment.

The words “No Vote Queer” were painted on an ad for Smith located at the intersection of Rupple Road and Mt. Comfort Road, which resides in ward four.

Smith said that this and other local incidents indicate a current overarching tone in American politics.
“I think it is definitely part of this national tone that’s infected our politics. It’s become very polarized and I don’t generally expect this out of Fayetteville, and I don’t think this is indicative of the general thoughts of Fayetteville,” Smith said.

Despite thinking that this isn’t a portrait of the city Smith acknowledged these types of individuals still exist in Fayetteville.

“We do have some seeds of hate in our community like anyone would and to be perfectly honest I’d rather have them out in the open where we can address them and talk about them rather than hide them and pretend, they done exist,” Smith said.  

He took to twitter Oct. 4 to address the incident.

Smith’s sign hasn’t been the only property damaged recently by an unknown individual

In September the “LOVE UNTIES US” mural on M.L.K. Jr Blvd was vandalized to “LOVE WEAKENS US” and “14 words” was painted on another side of the building.