Surviving COVID-19

By: Kalyn Jackson

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Many UA in-person classes went remote before the school year started to reduce the amount of contact students were having with one another.

Even with this modification in place The University of Arkansas saw a rise in COVID-19 cases since the fall semester began in August.

With 1,000 plus active cases on campus just a few weeks ago, U of A student Janai Gray was surprised to find out she was a positive in that number.

“I started crying when my results came back positive” Gray said, “I couldn’t believe it, it was really hard for me.”

Gray said she was originally supposed to go home the weekend she got her results back and knowing she had to quarantine from her family made the situation that much harder.

Even though Gray was positive, like many she said she didn’t really have many symptoms.

Other than fatigue I didn’t have any severe symptoms, so I just slept a lot.”

Gray said it was important to keep herself occupied during quarantine while keeping in touch with family and friends from a distance.

The virus has been proven to affect everyone differently. U of A student Madison Atkinson had a less pleasant experience than Gray. 

“I got tested when I didn’t have that many symptoms” Atkinson said, “I had a feeling I was sick.”

As she awaited her her results Atkinson started to feel worse. “I went home feeling terrible” Atkinson said,  “I got tested again, and by the time I got my results back I was positive. Atkinson’s symptoms ranged from congestion, fatigue and ultimately mild flu-like symptoms. 

Unfortunately, after fourteen days of quarantining and good news of a negative test result, Atkinson started to experience new symptoms. 

Atkinson said it’s been two weeks since she has tested negative, but she has since lost her taste and smell.

“I can’t taste normal foods unless it’s a very distinct taste like coffee or spicy foods.”

Both Gray and Atkinson have recovered from COVID-19. Gray encouraged students to get tested, and Atkinson said anyone with COVID-19 or anyone who may get COVID-19 needs to drink lots of fluids. “Don’t rush it, get a ton of rest” Atkinson said, “quarantine longer than you need to.”