Fayetteville Public Schools Offer Free Meals to All Local Children

By: Esther Gowin

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Fayetteville Public Schools are now offering free meals to anyone under the age of 18 through Dec. 31st.

Originally, the school district offered free meal plans to children who were enrolled in the Fayetteville public schools. However more meals are being made available through a Federal program that allows the schools to temporarily expand their meal plans.

The Director for Child Nutrition at Fayetteville Public Schools, Ally Mrachek, said they are excited to extend this offer outside of the school district’s students.

“We know there is some uncertainty about food during this time” said Mracheck. “We are happy that we are able to help.”

The free meal plans will include meal packs containing school breakfast and lunch options. 

These meal packs come in a various plans. Students in Fayetteville public schools can receive meal plans based off of how many virtual or in-person days they attend a week.

Anyone under the age of 18 who is not currently a student through the Fayetteville public school district can apply by Oct. 1st to receive meal packs for up to five days a week. They can register through my schoolbucks.com or by calling the Fayetteville Public Schools Child Nutrition department.

Normal meal prices will return on Jan. 1st, 2021. Free and reduced meal plans will be offered for Fayetteville Public School students that qualify.