UARK Virtual Career Events

BY: Jaycie Dodd

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark — University of Arkansas students are invited to attend virtual career events starting this week. As with many other University programs, the University Career Development Center has had to find ways to still host events despite the pandemic.

Director of Career Events, KayLee Simmons, said it was a very quick and unexpected, but both recruiters and students have embraced the transition.

“We’ve actually increased attendance among recruiters.” said Simmons. “We have graduate schools and employers attending that have never attended the in-person fairs in the past.”

As so much of students’ lives have moved online, it has also opened opportunities for companies that haven’t had the chance to attended due to budget or travel constraints.

Simmons said the most challenging part of the transition has been learning the online platform to host the events. She also points out having to rely on digital marketing.

“While we have yard signs around campus, many students aren’t on campus so reaching all students and increasing email and digital marketing has been essential.” said Simmons.

Last week over 400 students participated in the Sooie Suit Up virtual event. With these numbers Simmons is remaining posting for student attendance for upcoming events.

“I think virtual career fairs are breaking down barriers that have traditionally impacted some students from attending in-person fairs.” said Simmons.

Students no longer have to worry about waiting in long lines. They can log in to the career fair from the comfort of their own home. This gives the students more time to talk to recruiters.

“We have companies like Amazon on graduate schools like Harvard Business School attending who have never attended in the past” Simmons said “It’s exciting to bring more opportunities to students through the virtual platform.”

For a list of events visit