UAPD Arrests Seven Within the Week

By: Madison Clark

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — UAPD has been busy this past week. The university Police Department arrested two students, five non-affiliated people and received three theft reports in a five-day span. According to the UAPD Daily Crime Log, these arrests consisted of charges for students driving under the influence, a refusal to take a chemical test, and for public intoxication.

After many arrests made throughout the week some students are wondering what happens after you receive a charge or sanction from the University.

One student, who has been through the process of receiving a sanction from the University of Arkansas, tells us that “depending on the act that was committed the repercussions are already at large and on top of that you have to pay fines, do volunteer work and also go to meetings.”

Depending on your conduct assessment the disciplinary actions can be different. If you receive a reprimand charge for a minor violation students will be placed on a warning status for one calendar year; a university censure charge is a warning similar but more serious and your warning status is for a specified period of time; conduct probation is for serious action where the student is placed in bad standing and could face suspension if charged again; suspension involves withdrawal of enrollment privileges for a specified period of time; expulsion is a permanent dismissal from the university.