Graduating Seniors Begin To Search For Jobs

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By Wyatt Garrett

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark — A total of 2,092 students will graduate from the University of Arkansas on Dec. 21 and some have already began to look for a job after school.

Graduating students like Sydney Ratcliff are stressed by the occupational search.

“It shouldn’t be stressful, but it is. Just because of the applying process and knowing there are other great people you’re coming up against,” said Ratcliff. “Knowing if the place you’re applying for is a good fit for you definitely goes into it.”

Ratcliff began attending career fairs during her sophomore year of school. She said that regularly taking part in the fairs allowed her to build personal relationships with companies during college.

“It’s been successful, just getting my foot in the door when I didn’t already have connections,” said Ratcliff. “It’s making connections just by being there and showing up.”

Brian Henderson, the director of student placement and employer relations at the College of Engineering, helps students find jobs and careers after school.

Henderson recommends that students attend the many functions the university provides students for professional growth.

“We host a number of events that students can, whether it’s the evening time or afternoon, get plugged into,” said Henderson. “Many of these events employers are present too.”

Henderson also urges students to utilize mock interviews during their time on campus.

“They’ll give you real life questions that you’re gonna get asked in the interview process. It’s just good practice,” said Henderson. “That way you’re not going into an interview not too nervous, and you know what to expect a little bit.”

Ratcliff remains excited for the future and its many possibilities.

“My goal is to be able to use the skills that I’ve built up over time, and be able to connect people in whatever field I may be,” Ratcliff said.

The university’s Fall Commencement Ceremony takes place on Dec. 21 at Bud Walton Arena at 9 a.m.