Use Soap And Water to Celebrate This Special Week

by: Sydney Davis

FAYETTEVILLE, ARK. –The first week of December brings special attention to keeping your hands clean with National Hand-washing Awareness Week.

Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian physician from the 1800s, discovered the importance of hand-washing after he noticed a difference in mortality between two clinics.  He used this knowledge to help lower the 26% infant mortality rate.

It was discovered that pieces of corpse were being transferred into the bodies of women giving birth because doctors were moving between the morgue and the hospital rooms without washing their hands.

According to a study by CLS Journal, two out of every five college females do not wash their hands after using the bathroom; Change the subject to college males and the statistic changes to four out every five college males.

Furthermore, handwashers got sick less than once every six months and non-handwashers got sick atleast once every 3 three months.

A typical sneeze leaves the body at about 200 mph, and sends 40,000 droplets into the air.

The CDC, encourages the washing of hands by wetting, lathering, and scrubing for the length of the happy birthday song, before rinsing and drying your hands.