Self-Care Is Crucial to Students’ Well-Being

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By: Arden Wynn

Exams are approaching, while student’s academic anxieties are raising. Anxiety and depression are the two most prominent mental disorders that effect students on college campus’. Academics are very important, but students need to remember that their well-being is just as important.

Self-care is the cure to all anxieties students are taking on. Self-care is as simple as getting a good nights rest, eating well-balanced meals, exercising, and keeping personal hygiene in mind.

Dr. Asher Morgan, faculty member and former student, said that, “Exam time is really stressful. Everyone is overwhelmed and stressed out. We’re seeing increasing mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety which can really effect your academic success… Self care is definitely something that students should not push aside or take lightly.”

Student, Katie Street, said she thinks “students are struggling with understanding that self-care can be trial and error and it may take a while to figure out what works best for them.”

There are multiple sources on campus to assist students when dealing with their academic and self anxieties such as, CAPS outreach program “Lets Talk” and the Relaxation Room, both aimed to help students relieve stress and regroup.

The Pat Walker Health Center is extending their ‘Lets Talk’ hours during exam week in order for students to not get lost in themselves or their studies. Reminding students that their health more important than a grade on a test.

Assistant Director of Communications at the Universities health center, Zac Brown, said that, ” It’s not just self care. It’s more the mental health and physical toll that cramming for tests has on a students body.”

Brown also stated that its “super vital that through [students] studying and cramming, it is important to make some time for yourself and your overall well-being to be better prepared.”