The Negatives of Reusable Water Bottles

by Nicolas Bravo

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Over the last several years, the rise of reusable water bottles has been prevalent.

While using the bottles save having to recycle disposable bottles, there are associated risks with the reusable bottles. The hygiene with these bottles are just as important as personal hygiene.

With these bottles, if not cleaned properly they can form a film, made up of bacteria that can make the bottle dirty and germ-covered.

Kayla Green, a junior student, talked about how often she cleans her bottle.

“I clean my hydro flask every time before I use it. If you don’t clean it, it gets really nasty and nobody wants that,” said Green.

In order to avoid the bottle getting dirty, it is recommended that you clean the bottle on a regular basis, preferably daily but weekly is still okay.

The best way to clean the water bottle is in the dishwasher, but if that is not available then using a brush with hot water and soap is the next best option. Before using again it is important to make sure that the bottle is completely dry.