Campus Wi-Fi Problems

By: Brice Helms

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.— University of Arkansas’ technology services updated the emergency generator transfer switch in the Administrative Services Building Sunday night.

In an email sent October 10, IT services claimed that internet services on campus would be unaffected by the downage. 

On Monday however, students woke up to tweets from campus IT service saying that the school’s internet network would not be running at full capacity. 

The problems with Wi-Fi lasted all day and on Twitter at 12:33 p.m.,  @uarkalerts tweeted “IT services is working closely with vendors to investigate and resolve ongoing Wi-Fi issues”.

Students were frustrated with the slow internet.

“This has never been an issue before, and now all of a sudden it’s here,” said Computer science student Sam Starke.

By the end of the business day on Monday, campus Wi-Fi had not been restored to full capacity.