Mullins Renovation To Add More Study Space

by Nicolas Bravo

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Last year the UofA announced plans to renovate Mullins Library, but over the year it has sat mainly empty.

The first step in the renovations was removing a large portion of the books and placing them on an offsite location but still available for students to access.

The official renovation will start at the end of the fall semester and the goal is to add more study space.

During the renovation, the top two floors are going to be worked on to double the amount of study space for students.

Clay Carver, a senior at the UofA, has been studying in Mullins Library since his freshman year, and is happy they’re finally doing something with the space.

“I would say if they’re making more study space, I think that’s a good idea,” said Carver.

Mullins Library will also be adding more power outlets and tables to the top two floors. It has not been renovated since 1997 when the student population is half of what it is now.