By Delaney Osbourn

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – After the category 5 hurricane that devasted the Bahamas, students at the University are looking for ways that they can help.

The Bahamian students on campus are hosting a drive through the end of the month to help raise funds and much needed supplies for their home country. Allison Barnett, a senior here at the University, said “My close family didn’t really experience much damage, much flooding from the impact of the hurricane, but we also had other family members like aunts, cousins that had to actually evacuate to our area.”

From the natural disaster that caused ruin across the northern part of the country, many people have evacuated to new homes and new opportunities. “A lot of people have been evacuating either going to Nassau, Eleuthera, or coming to the states,” Barnett said.

Donations are being taken at the ISO Office in the Union, the HPER, and the Diversity and Inclusion Room in the Walton College building. Some of the supplies that are needed consist of canned goods, bottled water, and large trash bags.