Residence Hall Re-Named After African-American Professor

by Destiny Washington

One University dorm will soon be re-named in honor of retired professor Dr. Gordon Morgan, a pioneer educator at the University of Arkansas.

Dr. Morgan was the first male African-American professor on campus to receive tenure. He was initially hired as an assistant professor for the Sociology Department in 1969.

Before he was a professor, he attended the University as a graduate student. “I’ve been around a long time, ” said Morgan as he reminisced about his graduate days.

Dr. Morgan said he had a welcoming experience on this campus. “We didn’t have much of a history of race relations in Fayetteville. So it’s been pretty easy for me, since I’ve been here.”

When Dr.Morgan was a professor, African-American students weren’t allowed to live on campus. He never thought a dorm would get named after him.

The Northwest Quads were built in 2004, with four residence halls. Resident hall B will be re-named after him.

He had a career of 48 years teaching sociology. Dr.Morgan said he couldn’t imagine teaching anywhere else.

“I think if I had chosen other schools, I don’t think I would’ve been as happy as here at the University of Arkansas,” said Morgan.

There will be a dedication ceremony for the dorms in the fall.