Female Veterans Celebrate National Vet Girls Rock Day

by Kelly Miller

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.–Today is National Vet Girls Rock Day, a day celebrating the female veteran. According to Veteran Affairs, only 10 to14 percent of military personnel are women. Among student veterans, females overrepresent with rates jumping up to 21 to 27 percent.

National Vet Girls Rock day was founded by Vet Girls ROCK today to help female veterans celebrate and connect. Vet Girls ROCK was founded in 2017 and serves as a resource for female veterans. The veteran resource center on Garland Ave. also serves as a resource for all veterans on campus.

“My experience as a female veteran on campus has actually been really extraordinary. The VREC here has tons and tons of support and opportunities for veterans as a whole especially women veterans and you don’t find that very often in the community,” said Sarah Johnson, a student veteran on campus.