Local Groups Give Food to Federal Employees

by Sam Hathaway

The Northwest Arkansas Food Bank and Compassion NWA are working together to make sure federal employees have enough food during the government shutdown.

Many local workers haven’t received a paycheck and are struggling to put food on the table.

“Buying food for your family is the second largest expense outside of your mortgage so when you’re not being paid and you don’t have the funds to sustain your family with food you really need help” says Eric Vaughan, Executive Director of Compassion NWA.

President and CEO of the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank Kent Eikenberry encourages people to come in to food pantries and get the help they need.

“They go to work they do their job, through no fault of their own they’re being asked to work and not get paid so absolutely it’s critical that we help them.”

With the looming possibility of another government shutdown, local groups will continue to help government employees in need.