Fraternity Hosts College Relationship Seminar

by Caroline Hickman

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.— A fraternity on campus plans to make a difference by offering a seminar touching base on college relationships.

The “Crazy Stupid College Love” seminar, hosted by Phi Delta Theta, takes place Tuesday, January 29 at 6:00 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. The seminar covers difficult topics such as sexual assault, how to have a healthy relationship in college, and how to help yourself and others when things go wrong in a relationship.

Professional counselors and speakers, including Rachel DeAlto, who has been featured on the “TODAY” show and “Good Morning America,” will teach students how to protect themselves and spot red flags in relationships. 

The seminar’s main goal is to boost awareness and self-esteem in college relationships. There have been many events speaking out about sexual assault, or domestic violence. However, Phi Delta Theta believes this is one of the first events devoted to relationships among young people offered on campus. 

“Nobody ever talks about what a healthy relationship with a significant other looks like,” said Phi Delta Theta executive member William Neely. “I’m hoping that this event will be the first of many that talks about having a healthy relationship with whatever is in your life.”

The event is sponsored by the student activities fee, funded by the Associated Student Government and is free to students who pay the fee. Dinner will be provided for those who attend.

Along with the seminar, there are resources on campus offering help to students all the time. The SARAH: Sexual Assault Resource and Help Program provides confidential counseling to students in need.