Super Hog Fan Beats The Odds To Support The Razorbacks

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by Savannah Miller

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The University of Arkansas football team finished the season with two wins, making it the worst season in the history of the program. Many fans lost confidence in this year’s team and the future of Chad Morris in this program. But one supporter fights to find inspiration through the season hardship.

Canaan Sandy, a 35-year old Arkansas native, began cheering on the Razorbacks at two-months-old. Born with Down syndrome, Canaan works to prove to the world that nothing is impossible.

Despite the losing season, Canaan and his mom Ginger say that everyday the Razorbacks play is a day to be grateful for. “We come down here by the field and watch your boys warm up. Then we have a game. The only downer might be if we just don’t quite make as many points as the other one. Other than that if we make it home safe, my goodness what a wonderful day.”

After becoming ESPN’s Fan of the Year, Canaan took spirited to a whole new level. He says that one of his greatest achievements was getting to run a 54-yard touchdown during the Red and White Razorback football game with the help of his dear friend and quarterback Brandon Allen.

Current linebacker, Tyler Phillips, says Canaan keeps the team in the right place even if the score isn’t what the team or fans want. “It feels great every time that we see this guy on the Hog Walk you know he gives everybody a hug and he just makes everybody feel good and you know it doesn’t matter if the team is up or down…Canaan is going to put you in the right mind-set and you’ll be feeling good.”

Both Ginger and Canaan say the Razorback teams have become family to them and they are beyond thankful for the support each Razorback gives to Canaan.

“We are just so grateful for everybody’s kindness, love and acceptance and we know all we can do is cheer, and hug, love everybody and pray for them. And it seems to be enough for the Razorbacks,” said Ginger.