Cold Car Care

By Julianna Clipson

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The cold weather season means turning on the heater and pulling out the winter coats, but according to local mechanics your car care should also be a top priority when Jack Frost comes to town.

When temperatures reach freezing conditions things on your vehicle sometimes don’t always work as they should. Big Mike at the Grease Pig said the first things to address on your car in winter should be the tires, breaks, and any other parts that haven’t received a tune up in a while. He said when a light comes on don’t wait to figure out why. He believes you can avoid major problems all together by listening to you car’s warning signs.

“Don’t ignore them, Mike said. “You know you have a coolant light come on, a tire pressure light come on or any maintenance light come on go in and have somebody look at it.”

Mike stressed the importance of being aware of your vehicle’s condition especially before heading home for break.

“It’s good to know when leaving what kind of condition you are in rather than hoping you get there fine,” said Mike.

One University of Arkansas Senior, Brooke Cousin said she likes to always be prepared in case of an emergency by keeping a safety kit in her trunk.

“I think it’s pretty important to have all of that in your car because you never know when you might breakdown and how long you could be in the cold.” Cousin said.

Big Mike said he often takes calls from parents as far as seven hours away to help them figure out how to get their students ride up to speed during the winter time. He said when the temperatures drop the cars start rolling in.

“Yesterday morning I believe it was really really cold, we had probably eight cars waiting on us when we got here at 7:30 A.M.,” Mike said. “They started lining up pretty fast.”

He continued saying cold weather tune up can keep you and others on the road safe.