Former Arkansas First Lady Dies at 93

By Kellie Audrain

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.–A former first lady of Arkansas who fought for childhood immunizations died last Friday at the age of 93.

Betty Bumpers died in Little Rock from complications of dementia and a broken hip, according to her son Brent Bumpers. She was the first lady of Arkansas when her husband, Dale Bumpers, was governor from 1971 to 1975.

Dale then served as a U.S. senator for 21 years. He passed on New Years Day 2016.

Betty campaigned for every child in Arkansas to be immunized for diseases by 1974 after her husband became governor. The Center for Disease Control spread the idea throughout the country, with Betty helping to set up similar campaigns in other states.

Dale was quickly elected to the U.S. Senate following his term as governor. When Jimmy Carter was elected as president in 1976, Betty and First Lady Carter worked together to spread their goal of childhood immunization.

Current Governor Asa Hutchinson tweeted, “Our prayers are with the family of former Arkansas First Lady Betty Bumpers tonight as we learn of her passing.  She served our state with distinction and passion.”