by Griselda Jaimes
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.— The University of Arkansas will celebrate International Education Week through different events.
This year marks the 11th annual Holcombe Hall Dance Around the World.
“This event was started 11 years ago to showcase the countries represented on campus through dance. Dance Around the World is a time for the campus and greater community to come together to learn more about one another and the world outside of Arkansas,” said Tess Constant, from Student Affairs.
There will be 9 different performances lined up.
“It is traditionally a well-attended event with around 200 people,” said Tess Constant.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. with attendees getting dinner. Food will be cater from several different restaurants around the area.
The event will be held Nov. 15 at the Holcombe Living Room.