College is Expensive: How One Student Grows Cash in His Apartment

by Lauren Krakau

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Five years ago, UofA Senior Juan Moscoso came to the United States with his mom and dad. Neither of his parents had the opportunity to get a college degree.

With the pressure of being a first-generation college student, Moscoso said he knew he needed to find a major that would allow him to be successful.

“I love working with plants,” said Moscoso.

He is a horticulture major and when he isn’t hitting the books, he’s spending all day in his bed… but not like a typical college student… we’re talking about garden beds.

“I sell carnivorous plants out of my apartment,” said Moscoso.

In August of last year, he started Fayetteville Fly Traps where he sells different variations of sundews, pitcher plants, and Venus fly trap.

He said this idea sprouted when he noticed the quality of carnivorous plants sold in stores.

“The plants just look like they are dying, or in most cases, they are already dead,” said Moscoso.

Fayetteville Fly Trap is operated through a Facebook page that often includes videos of his plants eating different insects.

Moscoso said he wants people to know, that even though these plants eat insects, they are not hard to take care of.

“They are just like any other plant, said Moscoso. They just need sunlight and water.”

In the future, Moscoso hopes to build a greenhouse where he will sell more of these plants.

He said, for now, he is happy with his small business as he can make money while doing what he loves.