contributed by Lydia Fielder, Hannah Bagley, Neali Lambert, Ellis Hairston, Ryan Deloney and Sophie Tomasic
The Jesses from AL
Planning to vote?
“It’s the right thing to do. The government is just all kinds of screwed up right now. We hope our votes make a difference.”
Sarah Drakes, 20 – planning to vote in the midterm – Hot Springs, AR
“I plan on voting early once I get back to Arkansas. With the people we have in Washington D.C. and in Little Rock, it’s more important than ever to have your voice heard. Side note, this is the only time I’ve ever wished I was from Texas in my life. I love Beto so much.”
Best Friends Bailey Deloney (left) and Courtney Boyd (right)
Bailey, 26, Bentonville, planning on voting in the midterms:
“I am planning to vote. I wish I was more educated and in the know with political matters but I do my best to be up to date on current issues. We all have the right and responsibility to use our voices. I think my generation sometimes takes that for granted and we don’t get involved as much.”
Courtney, 26, Rogers, not planning to vote:
“No I am not planning to vote. I don’t vote because I am uneducated and don’t feel like I should vote if I don’t know what I am voting for. That’s probably not the answer you were looking for (laughs) but I think people make it worse when they blindly support something or someone.”
Shelley from Tennessee.
Planning to vote? Why?
“I vote in every election. I think it’s a privilege and a right and it’s my citizens duty to do it.”
Maggie Broll
“I am voting in the midterms because I want to become more involved in politics to feel that I have a role in making changes happen. I am also voting to keep Kris Kobach out of office. I wanted to go to a rally about gun control, but with my husbands health I wasn’t able to go, so that is something that I really want to do. The march is called “March for Our Lives.” Our children are telling us that they fear for their lives. That is heartbreaking. And we need to support politicians who listen to the children.”
Abraham Aguilar, Bentonville, planning on voting in the midterms:
“it’s important to exercise your right to vote. Being involved in politics is being involved in your community in a sense. I feel like with this election in particular, with all the controversy, people are more aware and engaged in what’s going on.”
Sakura Gray 21 years old
“Well actually I will not be voting in the midterm elections but I wish I could. I am here in America with a green card and haven’t applied for citizenship yet because I don’t want to lose my citizenship in Canada or Japan. I love America and want to be apart of the change it really needs. I think after I study abroad in Japan this summer I am going to get rid of my Japanese citizenship and apply for American citizenship so I can vote in the future. But I’ve been telling my friends they better vote since I can’t”
Wade Freeman
“I am pro-life and voted for McCain, Romney and other Republicans because of that important belief. I believe that Trump has said and done things that credibly threaten our government as we know it. I think he would make himself supreme leader and abolish elections if he is able. As a result, I am voting a straight Democratic ticket to save American democracy and avoid a Trumpian dictatorship. Peace.”
Andrew Masters
“Yes, I’m voting in the midterms. I always vote. It’s the only way I have any say in politics. I think people who don’t vote shouldn’t get to complain if they don’t like the outcome because it’s they gave up their chance to participate. Yoder is doing a good job, so I’m voting for him.”
Lex Marquez
“I am voting in the midterm election because I feel strongly about the candidates. I think that as a young woman whose parents immigrated to Texas from Mexico I have a duty to uphold their ideals. I am passionate about immigration and I think that this election is the opportunity to show that. Voting to me is a privilege and I am honored to vote in the great state of Texas. I want all of my friends to vote and share the same sense of duty- not to vote the same way as me, but to have pride in doing do.”
Stella Delaughter 19 years old
“Hell yes I’m voting in the midterms! I’m voting because our generation takes our opinions to social media instead of the polls and I feel responsible for exercising my right to vote for the change I want to see instead of just complaining about it.”
Trey Esparza “I am voting in the midterm election because I think that this election will really impact Texas. I think that the two senate candidates have the power to shape America. I was never really aware of what was happening in state election until I got older and realized how it can affect my family and children. I don’t enjoy how bitter the parties are to each other, but I do enjoy that it makes my fellow neighbors aware of what is at stake.”