Homeless Camp Eviction

by Gracie Bailey

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- University of Arkansas Police Department evicted residents of the homeless camp on South School Avenue and 19th Street.  Around 6 AM on Sept. 5, UAPD cleared the remaining residents from the land owned by the University of Arkansas due to crime in the area. Since January of this year, Police have responded to over 50 emergency calls, most of these reporting violence.

“The University of Arkansas cannot assure the safety of the people living there and it has become clear that for the sake of the people that have been living there, we cannot allow to continue what has been happening in the past,” said UA Police Department Capt. Gary Crain.  

The University of Arkansas announced plans to clear the brush on the 60-acre area plot of land in early August.  The University worked with the Arkansas Continuum of Care to accommodate for the estimated 100 residents of the camp.

Assistant Vice Chancellor of University Relations Mark Rushing said the decision to evict the campers was not taken lightly, “Over time, we realized that we are no longer able to ensure the safety of the residents in the area. We want to try to help them a more permanent place to go and a more safe place to go.”

The Salvation Army opened their winter shelter and doubled their client intake. They also eliminated the required breathalyzer test before guests can stay overnight. Seven Hills created parking spots where the displaced people can sleep in their cars.

Former camper Mike Jersey has lived at the site for the past seven months. He said that his fellow campers provided him with a family-like support system that saved his life. “I actually died pretty much here and had a moving experience that I was done. I’ve been clean now for five months,” said Jersey.

Fayetteville shelters prepare to house the former residents for the next six months and hope that after that time, they can find a more permanent place to stay.