
Student Arrests Made at Sporting Events

By: Katie Davila

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark– On a typical weekend in Spring students can be found enjoying Fayetteville, on Old Main Lawn, or at Baum Stadium. As many students fill what is known as the “Hog Pen”, more day drinking occurs.

Inside the Hog Pen, students are allowed to bring coolers, ice chests, and their own alcohol. This is unlike all other Razorback sporting event. However, the amount of arrests at Baum Stadium is less than any other time of year.

UAPD Captain Gary Crain said, “If a person lives in a city of 80,000 people then they can probably expect more trouble than a person living in a city of 7,000 people and thats what we have on those days.”

During the 2017 season UAPD arrested one person inside of Baum Stadium. This was the only alcohol related charge in the last three years, whereas at football games 32 arrests have been made.