
Department of Education Grades Schools

By: Ben Glodowski

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.- The State Department of Education released the report cards for its public schools from 2016-17. The department compiles data each year as part of the Arkansas Every Student Succeeds Act.

The act took effect in 2015, and it assigns each public school in the state a score, which translates to a letter grade. The grading curve allows for a lot more leeway to schools which serve older students. To get an A, elementary schools must earn 80%, but high schools only have to earn 75% for an A.

Fayetteville High School earned a B with 72%, Bentonville West High also earned a B. Bentonville High earned an A, Har-Ber High a C and Springdale High a D.

Report cards for the entire state can be found at https://adesrc.arkansas.gov/