
7 Hills assists Homeless Veterans in Northwest Arkansas

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By: Aubry Tucker

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Homelessness affects 2.5 times as many people as it did in 2007. In Northwest Arkansas two of every five homeless people are veterans. 7 Hills in Fayetteville works to address these high rates of homelessness, specifically with Veterans.

James Morgan has been homeless for three or four years, but he has prospects of permanent housing by next week.  

Morgan meets the requirements of the program by serving in the Marine Corps, having little to no income, and being without a place to live.

The Director of Veteran Programs, Katherine Krueger, said sometimes people don’t realize the challenges that come with transitioning from active duty back to a civilian lifestyle.

Morgan is very positive, and said being a Veteran and having access to the 7 Hills program makes being homeless a little less of a burden.

Krueger said over all they want their clients to feel stable and “like they’re flourishing in the community. Whatever that looks like for them.”