Police Warn About Train Safety in Fayetteville

By: Seth Campbell

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark- According to the latest statistics from the Federal Railroad Administration, about five people die a week from train related accidents.

For most in Fayetteville a train horn is a common noise, but what isn’t as common is train related accidents. 

“I can remember maybe three instances in my 15 years here where someone has been struck by the train,” said Fayetteville Police Sergeant Anthony Murphy.

But infrequency should not stop pedestrians from looking both ways before they cross the tracks. 

It takes a train approximately a mile to stop. That’s the distance from Baum Stadium to the HPER building. Being run over is not the only problem pedestrians or drivers should be aware of either. Train cars can extend up to three feet beyond the track. Meaning you are not safe just because you are off the track.

Murphy says pedestrians should just be wise, “well I would say just use some common sense, don’t be walking down the middle of the train tracks, definitely don’t be walking down the tracks after you’ve been drinking. Don’t walk on the track period. It’s against the law and it’s not safe.”