
University Kicks Off New Graduate Program

By: Layne Blank

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The graduate department at the University of Arkansas announced the start of a new bridge program aiding underrepresented populations. The name of the program is RISE, which stands for the Razorgrad Institute for Success and Engagement.

The program takes place in early August over the course of one week. Participants get to attend seminars to help with professional growth and development skills.

Kim Needy, dean of the Graduate School and International Education says, “I am excited to launch this bridge program and believe it will strengthen graduate education on our campus and better prepare our underrepresented students to be successful in graduate school.”

A nomination for the program by a graduate coordinator and current enrollment at the University of Arkansas is required in order to partake. For more information email the Office of Graduate Fellowships and Student Support at 479-575-7038 or gradsupport@uark.edu.