Severe Weather Awareness Week comes to a Close

By: Ben Glodowski

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.- Severe Weather Awareness Week wraps up March 3 after a quick round of heavy rains in the area. The University’s Division of Emergency Management reminds students to stay prepared in anticipation of the coming Spring severe weather season.

The National Weather Service offers a number of safety tips, from beach hazards to space weather. More common weather events for Northwest Arkansas may require more preparation though.

For tornadoes:

  • Check the Forecast; always stay informed if your home lies in the path of a severe storm. Be aware of when a Tornado Watch becomes a Warning.
  • Make a Plan; know where you and your family need to go in the event of a tornado. Choose a room on your lowest floor as far as possible away from windows.
  • Practice that Plan; ensure every member of your house knows where to go, how long it takes to get there, and how much time they would have to grab any pets.

For floods:

  • Get to higher ground; if time allows, go to an area with less risk of flooding. Where you are may be safe for now, but the water level could rise further.
  • Turn Around, Don’t Drown; never enter floodwaters. Water can be deeper than it appears, and it only takes 12 inches of water to wash away a small car. The water can also conceal dangers on the ground.
  • Avoid electrical hazards; if your house is flooded, be aware that your electricity could still work. Listen for humming, buzzing, or snapping that may indicate the water is unsafe to enter.


For thunderstorms:

  • In your home; seek interior shelter like in a tornado. Remember that large hail could break any windows open.
  • At your workplace; keep clear of large rooms like cafeterias or gymnasiums. Smaller rooms typically feature better structure.
  • In the open; go to the nearest sturdy building, not a shed. Avoid trees, because they could fall onto you.