
Behind the Music of KXUA

by Chloe Matthews

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — We hear music all the time, but how often do you stop to think about who is behind the music.

At the University of Arkansas, KXUA the student run radio station streams 24/7 with a wide variety of genres, songs, and artists.

The station is home to forty-seven DJs, all who volunteer their time once, sometimes twice, a week for about an hour although some shows air for longer.

“I’ve gotten out of my shell,” said Matt Sagar, the station manager. “I want to present that opportunity to other people and introduce people to music.”

The station has a rule all DJs must abide by: no one is allowed to play music from the Top 100 Hits causing a spontaneous variety of songs from hard rock to soft toned EDM remixes. It is safe to say, you never really know what you will get when you tune into 88.3 FM

Each DJ really brings their own style to their show and the unique styles go hand in hand with the room KXUA is stationed out of. Lining the walls are posters and catalogs of music. The desks are covered in all sorts of stickers.

Throughout the years, the DJs really made their little hole-in-the-wall room on the sixth floor of the Union their own, but with a new student media center being built at Kimpel Hall the station remains hopeful they will make the transition to a new area sometime in the future.