The NBA’s All Time Leading Scorer Comes To The UofA

By: Chris Nunez


Thursday, March 8, at 7 p.m. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will visit the University of Arkansas as part of the student-sponsored Distinguished Lecture Series.

During his 20 year Hall of Fame NBA career Abdul-Jabbar played for both the Los Angeles Lakers and Milwaukee Bucks.

He also received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2016 by President Barack Obama.

Abdul-Jabbar’s visit to the University is free and open to the public.

Kareem Addul-Jabbar set the record as the NBA’s all time leading scorer in 1989.  That record still stands today.

It should also be noted that Abdul-Jabbar stared in the 1980 comedy ‘Airplane’ playing the role of a very funny pilot name Roger Murdock.