
Historian Talks Hillbilly Hellraisers

By: Erica Rankin

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – What exactly is a Hillbilly Hellraiser? One group on campus, Phi Alpha Theta, the history honors society, invites people to come learn at 4:15 p.m. on Feb. 23. They will host a talk from a professor of history on what this term means.

Blake Perkins, assistant professor of history at Williams Baptist College, will be giving the talk. He will bring up the topic of a steadfast culture and anti-government sentiment. He will tie them in through relationships between small farmers, capitalist elites and the federal government.

The professor will talk on the Ozarks, but also themes throughout American history. He brings to light questions of working class relationships from the point of view from the Ozarks.

The event will be in the Honors Auditorium in Gearhart Hall. The event is free and open to the public.