Oklahoma High School Damaged in Fire

Cameron, OK — A small town in Oklahoma experienced heartache last night. Their hometown high school burnt down within a time frame of a few hours.

Now there is not much left of what was the old Cameron High. School was not in session Wednesday, according to Superintendent Jim Caughern.

School officials are working on relocating students to other buildings not currently in use. These buildings have enough
space to hold the 134 students, said Caughern.

The rebuilding will be a process. It will also be an adjustment losing a major part of the town. “Our school is a big part of our community, the hub of our community, and it means a lot to a lot of
people,” said Caughern.

An investigator from Norman, OK, is working on the case to identify what started the fire, said Caughern. They hope to be
back to school by the end of next week. Officials are also working on ways for people to donate money and school supplies.