
Local Elementary School Raises Money in Honor of a Furry Friend

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The students of Vandergriff Elementary school are collecting used books of all types for their annual Charlie Brown book sale.

Although the event is the largest annual fundraiser for the Fayetteville animal shelter, this year will feel a little different, with the passing of Charlie Brown.

Vandergriff teacher, Sherri Wheeler, started the event over a decade ago in honor of her dog, Charlie Brown, who she adopted from the animal shelter.

“I also wanted to do something with the animal shelter and I just didn’t have the heart to just go and volunteer and work there and walk away and leave all those animals,” she said.

The Charlie Brown book sale encourages people of all ages to donate gently used books.

Proceeds from the book sale will be given to the Lib Horn animal shelter.

Over the years, the sale has raised more than $25,000 for Fayetteville animal services.

“Our money goes into donation accounts and then we just use it for different things we need throughout the year, so if we get a dog in that maybe needs an expensive orthopedic surgery or needs heart worm treatment,” said a Lib Horn representative.

Every year after the success of the book sale, Vandergriff Elementary presents Lib Horn animal shelter with a check, but the students also have a celebration of their own.

“Many many years Charlie Brown had to kiss the teacher that brought in the most books because we have a contest and the class that brings in the most books wins a pizza party, an extra recess and a visit from Charlie Brown.”

The passing of Charlie Brown has been difficult for many, but the tradition of the book sale will continue with the help of a new furry friend.


Story by Allie Lynch