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Friends of India Bring Hindu Festival to Campus

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“It’s really fun, it’s not what I was expecting but it’s really fun, I like all of the colors,” said senior Morgan Cappadonna

Holi is a hindu spring festival that is celebrated mainly in India and Nepal. Also known as the festival of color, Holi celebrates the beginning of the indian calendar year which occurs mid March.

Friends of India, an RSO on campus, hosted the color festival on Saturday at Wilson Park. They opened the event to the community and participants enjoyed it.

“I just love that Friends of India is inviting people from all different cultures and community even outside of the University of Arkansas to come and participate in this event and just join this celebration with everyone,” said freshman Samia Ismail.

Participants were given packets of colorful holi powder and music played as they danced and threw powder on each other.

Friends of India hosted the event in order to allow people to experience their culture and to try something new, including catered indian food.

“We want to spread the knowledge and increase the awareness about the different cultures and whatever different festivities we have and when we celebrate,” said Pravin Kaldhone, President of Friends of India.

Friends of India hopes that people will learn about about the indian culture through this event and continue to have an open mind about other cultures outside of their own.

Story by UATV Reporter Billy Quach