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Baseball League Turns Home Runs Into Hope

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For most kids, baseball is just a game, but at the Miracle League of Northwest Arkansas it’s more than that.

“Miracle league is a baseball league set up for special needs of all flavors,” said Jared Park, head coach of the Yankees.

Miracle League is designed to help people with special needs experience the game of baseball.

The league has players, coaches and plenty of fun to go around.

“Give me that surprised look, give me mind blown,” Park said.

Park has volunteered at Miracle League for six years and has seen the joy baseball can bring to his players.

“Anything these kids can do that is normal or whatever is considered normal is an amazing thing, and they know it and they love it,” he said.

Smiles and laughs are frequent at Miracle League, but when it comes to hitting, the Yankees are all business.

Infielder Artie Fowler said hitting is his favorite part.

Kole Smith, another member of the Bronx Bombers, said outfielders should be wary when he steps up to the plate.

“I can always hit a home run,” he said.

Don’t let their serious faces fool you, these guys also know how to break it down.

“Dance party at home. Break it down. Moon walk it,” coach Park said.

The dictionary defines miracle as “a highly extraordinary event that brings very welcome consequences.”

The Miracle League fulfills that definition one swing or dance move at a time.

You can sign up for the Miracle League here.

Story by UATV Reporter Seth Campbell