University Programs Host Art in the Park

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“I really just like it because students get to enjoy like the nice weather outside and paint for free,” said Mckenna Orcutt, University Programs art gallery chair.

The committee provides those free supplies, which include canvases, paper-mâché eggs, paints, brushes, water cups, and palettes.

Since students aren’t required to sign up or pay, it’s simple for them to chill out at the creative picnic.

“It’s nice, it’s relaxing. And then there’s just like, different people, easy to come,” said senior Hannah Norton.

During the two hour gathering, students of all artistic backgrounds sat together on trash bags, socialized, and made colorful projects to take home.

And while it may be easy to attend, Norton says greek life previously interfered with her interest in other university events.

“Being a senior, I wish I  would have like taken more advantage of it earlier and like known more about different things earlier. But, I think it’s awesome that we’re able to do things like this.”

Story by UATV Reporter Alexandra Franks