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Local Organization Finds Unique Way to Fight Food Insecurity

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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)–Food insecurity is typically caused by three things, either a lack of transportation or income, or a disability. One organization in Fayetteville is fighting it in a fresh way.

The organization Feed Communities, has many initiatives to help food insecure families but there is one that has really rooted itself in the community.

While most people at the Farmer’s Market want you to buy food, Feed Communities wants you to plant an extra row to donate to local food insecure families.

“It has sparked this opportunity for people to give directly and we have found a way to make it as easy for people as possible,” Executive Director Ken Patterson said.

Over 150 people have pledged to plant a row.

One of their biggest donors is a West Fork resident.

“Well last year we did something like 150 dozen eggs and I think we had 15 hundred pounds of produce”, Marvin Jones said.

He see’s this as an easy and efficient way to give back.

“You do see that people are standing on every corner in Fayetteville, and they’re needing help. So this way I know they’re getting food,” Jones said.

Jones and other NWA volunteers are what keep this program going.

“Our small contribution to this is working with local people for local solutions, and giving produce and healthy foods to each other,” Patterson said.

Their goal is that this initiative to share healthy foods will foster more than just healthy people.

“People are going to be healthier and our community is going to be healthier too because we have a chance to work with each other,” Patterson said.

Feed Communities hopes that this is one seed that on keeps growing.

They encourage students to get involved as well by interning or volunteering their research skills.

To find out more about how you can help Feed Communities, visit www.feedcommunities.org.

Story by UATV Reporter Delanie Majors