
Eight Men Set to Receive Death Penalty Next Month

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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (UATV)–For the first time in 12 years, the state of Arkansas will carry out the death penalty.

These eight men will be executed over the span of ten days in the month of April.

The rush? To avoid the looming expiration date of the lethal injection drug.

But now, the state of Arkansas is having trouble finding enough volunteers from the public to watch the executions.

When asked, all of the students interviewed said they would not attend.

Arkansas state code states that at least six, but not more than 12  respectable citizens must be in attendance to view the executions in order to confirm they were completed in a lawful manner.

These volunteers must be 21-years or older, an Arkansas resident, cannot be related to the family of victim or inmate and cannot have any felony convictions.

“We continue to be confident in our ability to carry out these sentences on the dates set by the governor,” said Solomon Graves, spokesman for the Arkansas Department of Corrections.

The state of Arkansas says it is unable to reveal how many witnesses have volunteered so far.

Story by UATV Reporter Samantha Marks