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Little Free Pantries Pop Up Around Fayetteville

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The idea for the Little Free Pantry began a couple of years ago when Jessica McClard started noticing Little Free Libraries like these pop up around her neighborhood.

“I wondered if that same concept might be utilized to address another quality of life issue and that’s kind of where the idea was born,” said McClard.

As it turns out, the state could really benefit from a program like the Little Free Pantry.

“The need is pretty staggering. In Arkansas one in four children are food insecure and we actually rank first in the nation for food insecure seniors which I think is a devastating statistic,” said McClard.

Currently there are almost 20 Little Free Pantries in Northwest Arkansas and several hundred nation wide.

Getting a new location up and running is easy.

“How it looks to how it runs is completely up to the person who decides they want to do it. So really all you need to have is the will to make it happen and a place to put it,” said McClard.

Story by UATV Reporter Chris Nunez