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Cross Church Hosts “Night to Shine” for Special Needs Teens

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Everyone was the prom king and queen at a night to shine.

“It’s a night for them to understand that right here at valentine season where we talk about love, we want them to understand God’s love and acceptance and that we are all created uniquely and individually,” said Heath Bryant, pastor at Cross Church.

Every prom goer in need of a dress or tux was fitted, and everyone was treated like royalty.

Girls got hair and makeup done, while boys got a shoe shine.

There were limo rides and a grand red carpet entrance filled with paparazzi.

This mom was thrilled with the way her daughter felt on this special night.

“You know when she was in school we thought those were going to be the only proms that she would get to dress up and have fun at and now that this comes around she gets to have a prom every year,” said Robin Larson.

“Last year was our first and she just loved it so much, the minute they said they were gonna have it again she was over the moon.”

This was Cross Church’s second year to host a night to shine. It’s likely to become an annual tradition.

Story by UATV Reporter Katrina Maldonado