UATV’s Student Curriculum

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This is an ordinary classroom, but these are no ordinary students.

Tiffany King teaches television news reporting and newscast producing.

These two classes combined drive the content of UATV’s nightly news and while this might be a leaning environment, the skills learned here are the same skills being used in the job market.

“They walk out of here with a resume reel, something tangible that shows they can do real live shots, real stand ups and shows they can do real news casts,” said King.

Before this core curriculum was introduced, news content was primarily gathered with the help of volunteers.

“We talked with people in the business and they said there was a huge need for producers in the business and we thought, how great if we can train these kids how to do it,” said King.

Each student is put into groups that produce one newscast a week by incorporating news that happens here on campus, nation wide and even around the world.

Student producer Lauren Dedmon said this experience teaches students more than just how to produce television news.

“It’s just taught me how to work under pressure and I know I can take that anywhere because you always have to get something done,” said Dedmon.

Pressure that has students primed to produce news at the highest level.

“I think that we can compete with TV stations locally here with the product we put out,” said King.

-Courtesy of UATV Reporter Lance Lloyd